Welcome to our School!
Empingham CE Primary is a church school. We enjoy strong links with St Peter's Church in Empingham village, with parents and with the local community.
Ours is a school in which we enable our children to do the best that they can do in an inclusive and nurturing environment. Christian Values such as compassion and respect are taught explicitly and we encourage our pupils to develop positive qualities of resilience, responsibility and reflection.
We are very closely linked with Great Casterton CE Primary School, sharing a Headteacher and a Governing Body. We are part of a local Multi Academy Trust - the Rutland Learning Trust, please see further information below.
We hope you find the information you are looking for on our new website. However, we encourage you to visit us and you are welcome to do so at any time.
Thank you for visiting!
Mrs Sally Gooding
Executive Headteacher
01780 460246
Empingham C of E Primary School
School Lane
LE15 8PQ
For all enquiries please contact Mrs Raine or Mrs Harnett in the school office: empinghamoffice@rltschools.com
The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.
Rutland Learning Trust - http://www.rltschools.com
“Together, we RISE to the challenge”.
‘Rise up and shine, for your light has come.’
Isaiah 60.1
R – we are ready, resilient, respectful, reflective, resourceful andresponsible learners
I – we are inclusive; supporting each other and celebrating difference
S – we strive for success in the challenges we face
E – we engage with our learning and our social responsibilities
Our Vision and Values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning and provide an environment which prepare our children to be confident, happy and successful individuals, who will make a positive contribution to their world.
This is the foundation upon which our school aims, values and ethos are based and that we aspire to share with everyone in our community.
We are part of the Rutland Learning Trust
Cottesmore Academy
Kendrew Barracks
Rutland LE15 7BA
01572 335565