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Welcome to

Empingham CE Primary School

Useful Information

Empingham's CE Primary School  - A Normal Day!

Doors open at 8.40am and children are registered at 8.50am

Lunchtime is 12.15pm - 1.15pm

End of school is 3.20pm

In line with our Data Protection Policy, parents, relatives and friends are requested not to take photos at any event until they are invited to do so.

We use Class Dojo to make sure you are up to date with class activities, photos and homework.  Please ask your class teacher how to join.

For all information regarding the curriculum please use the link below.

For all school policies, including; separated parents policy, supporting children with medical conditions and attendance please use the link below.

Request for Authorised Absence

Reception Baseline Assessment

SATs Information for Families



Year 6 SATs


If you have a child in year 6, at the end of key stage 2, they will take national curriculum tests in English grammar, punctuation and spelling, English reading and mathematics.

The tests help measure the progress pupils have made and identify if they need additional support in a certain area. The tests are also used to assess schools’ performance and to produce national performance data.


The key stage 2 tests will be taken on set dates unless your child is absent, in which case they may be able to take them up to 5 school days afterwards.




Test paper

Monday 13th May

English grammar, punctuation and spelling

Punctuation and grammar

(including vocabulary)


Tuesday 14th May

English reading

English reading

Wednesday 15th May



Mathematical reasoning

Thursday 16th May


Mathematical reasoning


At the end of the summer term you should receive test results for:

  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • English reading
  • mathematics

Teacher assessment

As there is no test for English writing, this will be reported as a teacher assessment judgement. This is a judgement teachers will make, based on your child’s work at the end of key stage 2. You will also receive a teacher assessment judgement for science.


A video explaining this can be found below.

Should I keep my child off school?

Healthy Together and your Public Health (School) Nursing Service

Healthy Together is a universal service from Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust for children and their families from 0-11 in Leicestershire and Rutland.


Your Public Health (School) Nursing Service

Public Health (School) Nurses from Healthy Together are available to help you and your child in many different ways. You can find help and support with:

  • Behaviour
  • Continence
  • Physical health
  • Emotional health
  • Parenting
  • Healthy lifestyles
  • Diet and nutrition
  • Plus much more

Your Public Health (School) Nursing team can be contacted via your child’s school, or alternatively you can find the contact details by selecting your child’s school from the drop down list on our Health for Kids: Grownups website

Discover more about the school nursing team here




ChatHealth is a confidential text messaging service provided by Healthy Together that enables parents and carers to contact their Public Health (School) Nursing team for advice and support. You can get in touch for advice and guidance about any aspect of your child’s physical or emotional health.

Text a Public Health (School) Nurse on: 07520 615 382

The service operates between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays. The team aim to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate message back to confirm your message has been received.

If you need help before you hear back, you should visit your local walk-in centre, GP or call 111. In an emergency, call 999.


Health for Kids 

Health for Kids enables primary school aged children to learn about health in a fun and interactive way. With different worlds to explore and content, games, videos, quizzes and animations to enjoy across topics including health, feelings, illness and getting help, children can sit and learn with parents, carers, grandparents, siblings and teachers in a fun and safe online environment.

Visit Health for Kids at:


Health for Kids: Grownups

Health for Kids: Grownups is an extension of our Health for Kids platform, providing health related advice and information specifically for parents and carers of children aged 5-11. Content is available across many topics around the four main areas of Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds, Health Issues and Getting Help.

Grownups can also access localised information, including news, local services and public health (school) nurse contact details in the dedicated Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland area that can be accessed when you first visit the website.

Visit Health for Kids: Grownups-

You can also keep up-to-date with the latest posts, advice and information by following our Health for Kids social platforms:

Twitter- @healthforkids1

Facebook- @healthforkids1

Instagram- @healthforkidsgrownups


Parent chat health texting service - 07520615382

Health for Kids website link -

Health for Teens website link -


Cluster 1 school nursing phone number – 0116 215 6290


** If you have any further questions please contact us on the Cluster 1 School Nurse telephone number above, we will be happy to help you.


Additional help can also be found at:

  • The School nursing website is available at
  • Head lice information sheet can be found below.
  • Domestic violence – Living Without Abuse 0300 3650112
  • ADHD solutions 0116 2610711
  • Multiagency Emotional health and wellbeing training is available to school via
  • The Flic (Family Lifestyle Club) from Leicestershire dietetics families can self-refer on 0116 2227148
  • Bereavement counselling for children and young people – The Laura centre
  • There is also some really helpful information regarding dealing with child bereavement on the Winston’s wish website:



Making the school website an icon on your phone or tablet

Contact Details and Useful Links
