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Welcome to

Empingham CE Primary School

Simone Biles

Yellow house song - We're all in this together-high school musical(Lyrics)

Our learning during Term 2

This year we are getting involved in lots of different engaging and exciting learning opportunities: from The Victorians and the Mayans to Electricity and Inky Still Life, we've got it covered!


As always in UKS2 there is a lot of core content to be looking closely at but we will be breaking this down into bitesize chunks that we can all work with to help transfer knowledge into our long term memory! Lots of fun retrieval games will really help us to know more and remember more! 


Our residential trip took place in October and this was a very memorable trip away for us all! With challenges such as high ropes, canoeing, abseiling and climbing there were so many amazing memories to be made with our friends.  Those children who remained in school had a fantastic time baking, creating magnificent pieces of art work (thank you to our talented parents) and a magnificent day at Rutland Water.


Homework will continue include Tough Ten, spellings and a reading comprehension/vocabulary work. This will be set on a Friday and will be expected in the following Wednesday. There are extra rewards for those children who try their very best with their homework.


Our PE days will be on a Wednesday during Term 2. I will let you know if this changes. Please can you ensure that your child has their PE kits in their locker for the whole of the term.


Term one- 

Science- Light 

Geography- How can we use maps to interpret the World? 

Computing- Computer Science 

Art- Inky Still Life 

RE- Guidance from Above: How can following God bring freedom and justice?

PE- Invasion Games (CCC) Cognitive (Real PE) 

PSHE- Families and Relationships 


Term two- 

Science- Materials 

History- How advanced were the Maya as a civilisation? 

DT- Frame Structures 

RE- Christmas 

PE- Dance (CCC) Creative (Real PE) 

PSHE- Health and Wellbeing 


Term three- 

Science- Electricity 

Computing- Information Technology 

Geography- Why are the Americas so great? 

DT- Pulleys and Gears 

RE- Secular/Non Faith- Why do some people believe in God and some people not? 


PE- Gymnastics (CCC) social (Real PE) 

PSHE- Safety and the changing body 


Term four- 

Science- Evolution 

Art- Flat yet sculptural

RE- Easter 

Music- Dynamics 


PE- Dance Styles (CCC) Physical (Real PE) 

PSHE- Citizenship 


Term five- 

Science- Evolution 

Computing- digital literacy 

RE- Religions Impact on the World 

Music- Timbre

PE- Netball (CCC) Health and Fitness (Real PE) 

PSHE- Economic wellbeing


Term six- 

Science- SRE
History- What was life like in Victorian Britain? 

RE- Religions Impact on the World 

Music- Singing (Performance) 

PE- Athletics (CCC) Personal (Real PE) 

PSHE- Identity and transition 

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