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Welcome to

Empingham CE Primary School

Walt Disney



You have found the page for Walt Disney class! My name is Mrs Young and I am the class teacher. This academic year is flying by, and the children have really settled in well and are all making fantastic progress!


Thursdays and Fridays remain our days for P.E this term- however, please ensure your child has their P.E kit in every day. Homework for both year 1 and year 2 is set on a Friday and is due in the following Wednesday. This term, year 2 will continue to receive weekly spellings on a Wednesday and will be tested on the following Monday. Reading is a crucial part of the children’s education and really accelerates their learning at school- with this in mind, please encourage your child to read at home as much as possible! It really does make the world of difference.


We will continue with our buddy read on a Wednesday which has become a highlight of our week! The children really enjoy sharing their books with Tom Daley class and it is a pleasure to see them working together in such a positive way.


I will continue to keep you updated on class dojo and please don’t hesitate to contact me should you have any queries.





Best wishes,


Mrs Young blush


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