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We currently have places in all year groups, please call the school office to arrange a visit . 01780 460246
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Empingham CE Primary School

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Welcome to Our School

Welcome to Our School

Empingham CE Primary is a church school. We enjoy strong links with St Peter's Church in Empingham village, with parents and with the local community. Ours is a school in which we enable our children to do the best that they can do in an inclusive and nurturing environment. We teach respect and tolerance for all and we encourage our pupils to develop positive qualities of resilience, responsibility and reflection.

Learn More About Our School 

Together, We RISE to the Challenge!

  • Rise

    We are ready, resilient, respectful, reflective, resourceful and responsible learners

  • Rise

    We are inclusive; supporting each other and celebrating difference

  • Rise

    We strive for success in the challenges we face

  • Rise

    We engage with our learning and our social responsibilities

Our Aims 

What People Say

  • “Pupils enjoy coming to this happy village school. They thrive because they are known as individuals”

    Ofsted 2023

  • “The best thing about (our) school is that it's small therefore everyone knows everyone. Everyone is really nice to each other.”


  • “This is a small friendly family school where everyone looks out for each other. They are inclusive, every child matters and the child’s interests are put first.”


Proud to be part of the Rutland Learning Trust

Empingham CE

Primary School

The Rutland

Learning Trust



Exton and Greetham CE

Primary School

Glapthorn CE

Primary School

Great Casterton CE

Primary School

Ketton CE

Primary School

Langham CE (Controlled)

Primary School

Polebrook CE

Primary School

St Nicholas CE

Primary School

Uppingham CE

Primary School

Whissendine CE

Primary School

Contact Details and Useful Links


Open Mornings 2024

For children due to start school in September 2025, we are holding Open Mornings on Tuesday 12th November and Thursday 14th November from 9.00am until 11.30am. If you wish to have a tour around our school and meet our children and school staff, please contact the school office to book an appointment. 01780 460246

We look forward to meeting you!